Yacht Seaduction 2023


19 – 22 August – Friday to Monday

 As we tucked Daniel and Bobby into bed, we reminded them that we would be sailing across to the mainland the next morning so they would have to be up and ready to go about 9 ish. They said they would rather have a nice lie-in and wake up when we arrived in Gosport! So that’s what we did, we left them asleep when we slipped our lines from the buoy, although within minutes of leaving the Newton River, Bobby had changed her mind and was nagging Daniel to get up. Carole told her to get dressed and come up and leave Daniel to sleep if he still wanted to. We had a pleasant sail across, which we all enjoyed in our own ways. Bobby enjoyed steering the boat, although her course zig-zagged a bit when she got distracted. Once in to Gosport Daniel got up and we had breakfast followed by nice hot showers. 

We had wanted to spend another day in the Newton River but unseasonal strong winds and rain had been forecast for the weekend, so that’s why we had headed into Gosport as there was plenty to do here.

 Despite the really awful weather we had over the weekend we had a great time with Daniel and Bobby. We took the ferry across to Portsmouth each day and went up in the Spinnaker Tower on Saturday and visited Portsmouth Naval Dockyard and attractions on the Sunday. We ate Chinese buffet on the Saturday and enjoyed a nice Carvery on the Sunday. No ship’s biscuit and water here.


Before we knew it, it was Monday morning and time to take the train home. Apart from Bobby being sick on the train to Waterloo (she had picked up a nasty bug from somewhere) our journey home was uneventful with our trains all running on time. Sally met us at the station with big hugs all round. We knew when we returned to Gosport later in the week that it was going to seem quiet for a while without the little ones.

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