Yacht Seaduction 2023

East Cowes to Newtown River


We all slept well and woke early to sunny skies and a peaceful marina. After lovely hot showers and breakfast, we all did our own thing for a couple of hours. After lunch we got ourselves ready to leave and at 2 pm we slipped our lines and motored out of the river, with our next stop, hopefully, a mooring buoy in the Newton river. The wind was too light to make way under sail and we were also pushing tide, so we continued on under engine. Once at the entrance to the Newton River, we had to follow a series of transit marks and buoys to avoid the shallows. This we did without too much trouble, then we had to find a mooring buoy for the night, which wasn’t going to be easy as the river was very busy. Some of the mooring buoys were already doubled up on, but we did spot a small motor boat on one which was not stopping overnight. The very nice couple helped us to join them on the mooring buoy, giving us our home for the night.

We then untied the inflatable and mounted the outboard so that Chris could go ashore to bring Sally and Tony aboard. After eating our lunch, some of the braver of us put on our swimming costumes for a swim in the cool waters of the Newton River. (Temperature of the water was still way under 20 degrees.) We certainly needed hot tea and cake when we had dried off.

It was soon time for Chris to ferry Sally, Tony and Bobby ashore so that they could return to their campsite to the night. Daniel was staying with us as he wanted to do some fishing in the morning with Chris before we moved on to Yarmouth. Carole made some supper for Daniel and after a few games of AlphaBetty, it was time for his bed, no doubt dreaming of catching a big fish!

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