Yacht Seaduction 2023

Ipswich to Ramsgate

Friday, 30th June

Ipswich to Ramsgate

Passage time 8 hrs
Distance 44.23 miles
Wind av 1.5 knot
Gusts. 3 knot
Sea State smooth

We readied ourselves for our first leg to Ramsgate.  The boat was fully provisioned and fuelled and now we were off.  Chris radioed into the lock and we proceeded in for a short lockout, departing at 06:45.  The sun was out and starting to warm us.  The water was smooth like a mirror as there was no wind.

Chris had decided to make the passage via the Medusa channel picking up the Gunfleet sands, then through Fishermans Gat.  With very little wind, we continued on engine.  We could see another yacht going our way and eventually he was following us through the swatch ways towards Ramsgate.  Carole and I took turns in closing our eyes for a few minutes listening to the hum of the engine, as there was not much sailing to do today.(see the photo below) We nibbled on sandwiches and fruit to keep us going.  Not too much as Chris was looking forward to Ramsgate’s fish and chips.

When we passed North Foreland we started to get ourselves ready to get into Ramsgate Harbour.  Carole sorted out the fenders and checked all lines.  The wind was still very light but we were prepared for gusts in the harbour.  The harbour was fairly quiet, so we were given permission to enter.  Unusually the wind had dropped as we approached. Two other skippers came out to take our lines, but Carole had full control and we made a good job of our arrival.

Once we had settled in on our berth, Chris went to see one of the harbour masters to pay our dues for the night. We then took a short walk and bought our fish and chip supper which we enjoyed al fresco despite the descent of flying ants on Ramsgate seafront.

After a short walk around, we headed back to the boat for a game of scrabble and an early night, as we were quite weary.

Saturday, 1st July


As promised in the weather forecast, the strong wind and rain came in the night, but by the time we emerged from our bunks, the skies were clearing, although it was still breezy. We showered, dressed, had breakfast and tidied away and while Chris began typing up the Blog, Carole made a picnic lunch for our walk into Broadstairs.

We set off on foot along Ramsgate seafront and continued eastwards along the beach. We passed lots of other people enjoying themselves walking their dogs, jogging, sunbathing and playing on the beach. We must have walked nearly three miles before we reached Broadstairs, where Chris bought a cup of tea so that we could sit at a bench in the shade to eat our lunch. Apart from the very ancient, odorous toilets, it felt like a little bit of heaven in Kent. Great for families.

We strolled through the town and located the bus stop just as a loop bus pulled up. We climbed aboard and considered the £3 joint fare back to Ramsgate very good value as it took us almost back to the boat without fuss.


One thought on “Ipswich to Ramsgate

  1. Liz of Rascal.

    Glad to see you’ve started your journey. We have hardly sailed at all this season as when we’ve been at sea the wind has been none existent.
    Look forward to reading further instalments of your journey.

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