Yacht Seaduction 2023

Brighton Continued..

12 June Sunday

We had tied up safely on visitors’ pontoon 11, starboard side to, facing shore. Our intention later, when the wind died down, was to turn the boat round, facing out. Evening time came and we were certain that the wind had increased and continued to do so until late Wednesday evening. So we stayed facing shore for the rest of our stay, rocking up and down like everyone else. After paying our dues, we had a lovely hot shower and headed off to dinner at trusty old Wetherspoons.

13th June Monday

As expected, our first night’s sleep was noisy and bumpy and we woke to the engines of the dredger, moored next to us, getting ready for its day’s work. It was fascinating to watch how it left its berth and later in the day to see how it returned. The weather outside was not particularly inviting, so we decided today was going to be a chill-out day in the marina, although after lunch we would have to take a walk out to get some food for dinner. Carole got herself comfortable with a good book and Chris took a few work-related calls. After lunch, Carole baked some little cakes, managing just not to burn their bottoms (we still haven’t quite worked out our oven despite having it for four years). Carole then settled down in her bed with her book and also enjoyed 40 or 50 well deserved winks. During this time Chris had disappeared “up top” and had been talking to some fellow sailors, one of whom was headed eastwards and was keen to discuss his passage planning of the Thames. Late afternoon he came onboard with his charts and pad and joined us for a cuppa and a cake. By the time he went off for a beer with his shipmate, we had decided shopping could wait until the next day and crispbreads, cheese and fruit would do us fine for supper. We had a game of cards before retiring for the night.

14th June Tuesday

We had hoped to head off to Gosport today but the wind was still blowing hard and in the wrong direction and would have made for an unpleasant trip. Instead we bought day rover bus tickets and rode the No. 7 to Hove, then returned into the town centre and took a walk to Brighton Pier, stopping off to share a portion of chips at Harry Ramsdens chippy. With the wind positively howling, we opted out of the walk along the pier and returned on the bus to pick up some shopping at Asda. Carole then cooked a rather tasty cottage pie for supper which we both enjoyed. After washing up, we took a short walk before snuggling up in our beds with our books and iPad.

Wednesday:15th June

There was still no let-up in the weather, although Thursday was looking more positive, so Carole was on laundry duties in the morning and cleaning duties in the afternoon. Chris had some work to do, followed by passage planning for our trip to Gosport. He then cooked a lovely chicken a la king with rice, which went down very well. After the dishes had been done, we re-checked the weather forecast and all looked good for the morning. Just before retiring for the night, Carole made up some small rolls for the next day. The wind seemed to have dropped a little in the course of the evening, so we were hopeful the forecast was correct.

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