Yacht Seaduction 2023

Ipswich to Ramsgate

8th June 2016

We both woke early, around 3.30 a.m. a good 20 minutes before our phone alarms and after a quick wash and dress and more importantly, a hot cuppa and biscuit, we readied the boat and locked-out into the river. It was now 4.20 and the sky was a beautiful orangey-red as the sun rose in the sky. By the time we went under the Orwell bridge, all the fenders and lines were tidily stowed away. We were on our way to Ramsgate.

With Chris comfortably on the helm, Carole disappeared below to get organised and make some rolls for the trip. We passed the cranes at Felixstowe and a large container ship being guided into a berth by 2 tugs. We had our second cuppa and then Carole went below for 40 winks, leaving Chris in charge. The wind was still very light F1, so we could not get any use of the sails.

When Carole re-joined Chris a while later, we were still under engine and making good time. Chris called out to say he had seen some porpoises swimming ahead, but by the time Carole looked, they had dived down, probably catching their breakfast. We were then plagued by small hornets and it seemed no sooner had we got rid of one, another appeared. We recalled something similar on our previous trip to Ramsgate. We were also amazed at how the wind farms have increased over the last few years. There seemed to be wind generators on both sides of us as we sailed along.

We were still under engine as we passed North Foreland and making good progress with the help of the tide. Before much longer we were sorting out the fenders and lines and Chris was radioing into Ramsgate Port Control for permission to enter Ramsgate. Normally when we enter Ramsgate the wind drops, but today it picked-up and to make matters worse, Chris’s phone rang and the muppet answered it as he was talking to the Marina on the radio! This slightly threw our concentration and we forgot to check the height of the fenders and put the seat away for a reverse entry to our berth. However, no harm was done and Chris later promised not to answer his phone again at a critical moment.

Once we were safely berthed, dues paid and feeling human again from a nice hot shower, we walked to the front and sat in the glorious sunshine sharing a rather delicious rock and chips.


2 thoughts on “Ipswich to Ramsgate

  1. Liz Gee

    Just come on tonight to see if you had set off yet – I must be physic. Bon Voyage have a good summer. I there part of a paragraph missing in the middle?

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